Never too old to learn or teach

Aanya's Brush Calligraphy online course

Dateline Delhi: Vacations begin as the plains of India simmer under a hot sun. If you have no plans of being on a detox from internet then how about learning something new online from the comfort of your space?

15-year-old Aanya Jaina is armed with her brush pens, pencils and ink to teach you the nuances of a visual art related to writing i.e. an online Calligraphy workshop. The workshop is customized for fourteen years old and above, three day workshop: 3rd, 6th, 7th of June and the cost includes calligraphy kit-pen and guide sheets.

In the hour long workshop Aanya will help you trace and learn Brush Calligraphy, a set of skills and techniques that help you inscribe words with integrity, harmony and rhythm.

Aanya Jaina practising her art

Grade 10th student, Aanya has been polishing her skills of hand learning beautiful symbols and alphabets since the age of ten.  Her first brush with the art came when she was at a book fair. She tells me, “At the age of ten I purchased a book on calligraphy knowing nothing about it. Post going through the book I officially started following YouTube tutorials and Instagram calligraphers.”

While her peer group was busy upgrading their wardrobes, cosmetic and book collection, Aanya was working on her personalized stationery to master Calligraphy. From an oblique holder, Nikko-G nib and Sumi ink for Copperplate and Spencerian calligraphy and Devanagari Auto pens for Devanagari script she has it all and plenty more.

Over a period of five years, Aanya has gone on to learn Brush Calligraphy, Copperplate Calligraphy, Spencerian and Devanagari. Today she designs cards, posters, letters, nametags etc. She further adds, “What started as a hobby, is now my passion. Calligraphy isn’t just an art of beautiful writing but a feeling that makes me relax and create beauty.’ A word of advice from the young lady, “Calligraphy has nothing to do with bad handwriting. It is a beginner’s workshop. Calligraphy is a form of expression, like a fingerprint or a voice, unique for each person. The keynotes for any beginner being: ‘patience and practice.”

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for this beginner’s guide into the world of Calligraphy!