Angaar: Youngsters to return to Mussoorie its past glory


THE OLD ORDER CHANGES YIELDING PLACE TO NEW..And that is exactly what is happening in the hill-station of Mussoorie. After years of witnessing their hometown going to the dogs quite literally, a group of likeminded youngsters have joined hands and mind to be the change they want to see in Mussoorie.

A growing group of 700 members within a few months of being created by admin Sudhanshu Rawat, a resident of Mussoorie, ANGAAR has since then become a think-tank and do-tank. These young, energetic and determined lot have taken things into their own hands and are doing what many would either ignore, politicians would encash and many would rather look the other way.

In his late twenties, Sudhanshu speaks for all when he says, “For years and now generations we have been hearing about the grand-old days of Mussoorie and how its gone from bad to worse. This is a group which has decided to dedicate their talent, the social media and our determination in making sure that we will ourselves will do our bit in making their hometown return to its glorious past.”

ANGAAR as the group is titled, clearly screams ‘NO POLITICS JUST WORK’ is not to be taken lightly. This group of passionate members is growing in number and strength with each passing day. There are no leaders here. Everyone works with the single-minded goal of making their hometown a better, safer, brighter and cleaner place.

With lots of ideas and plans discussed to and fro, the group has made its presence felt with Traffic Awareness Rally, Cleanliness Drive, Beautification Drive done along with Stambh, and are promising new changes in the future as well.

‘How long will we blame our politicians and their politics and be mute witness to the degradation of our hill-town?’ is the liet-motif on which the group works upon and  perhaps its time this ANGAAR or flame spreads like a forest-fire and becomes the change we all want to see.