Education Minister holds meeting with SIT on issue of fake documents


A joint meeting of the education department and the Special Investigative Team (SIT) formed to probe the forged educational documents of some teachers working in primary Education Department, held under the chairmanship of State School Education Minister Arvind Pandey at Secretariat.

The Education Minister reviewed the progress made by the SIT in the matter. On the complaint of Deputy Education Officer, Bahadarabad that two clerks namely Pawan Kumar and Manoj Chauhan are not cooperating in the probe, the minister ordered the transfer of those two clerks to far flung areas. He also ordered registration of FIRs against accused teachers in 20 cases recommended by the SIT and also ordered action against appointment officers in those cases.

The state government had ordered an investigation by SIT after it was found in an inquiry that some of the teachers appointed in primary schools as well as in Inter colleges in the past five years had fake educational documents.  In this regard, the service records of 7047 teachers appointed between 2012 till 2016 were provided to the SIT and 10485 documents have been received after verification. Apart from these complaints against 365 teachers received from various sources, 161 complaints have been disposed off.  The verification of documents of all those teachers who joined between 2012 till 2016 and provided by education department has been going on.

Incharge SIT Shweta Chaubey informed the Education Minister that after the verification of documents of 42 teachers, the SIT has recommended registration of FIR in 20 cases to the education department and investigation in 22 cases is going on. The Incharge SIT said that universities and colleges are demanding fee for verification of educational documents by the police. She said that for police verification there should not be any charge. The Education Minister assured to plead the case effectively and asked the education department to provide the money required for any such fee.

Secretary Education Dr. Bhupender Kaur Aulakh, Director General Captain Alok Shekhar Tewari, Director, Secondary Education R.K. Kunwar, Additional Director Education Ramkrishan Uniyal, Virender Rawat, officials of education department of SIT participated in the meeting.