Every life counts: Atal Ayushman Uttarakhand Yojana


Dateline Dehradun: “People from small villages or towns actually see big dreams!” was Jagesh Devi’s leitmotif. She like other women folk from the hills had dreams not for herself. She dreamt big for her children and their bright future.

These womenfolk from the hills of Uttarakhand including Jagesh would wake up at the  crack of dawn and work late into the evening. They would toil in the fields, home and hearth to turn those dreams into a possible reality. Jagesh and Devraj, her husband worked earnestly on days, weeks, months and years with their head held high, through hardships but a sense of duty and a smile on their lips. Until destiny changed all that.

On the 18th of August 2020 Jagesh Devi was rushed to AIIMS, Rishikesh when she passed out at home. On examination, the doctors confirmed that she had suffered a brain haemorrhage. This sudden turn of events, left the family bereft and stressed for money required for the treatment of this magnitude.

Timely intervention of the doctors at AIIMS informed them about the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana” a.k.a Atal Ayushman Uttarakhand Yojana.” An answer to their prayers.

Fortunately the family found Jagesh’s name on the beneficiary list which made her eligible for free and cashless treatment. Since then a hale and hearty Jagesh has returned to her village in Ambapur, pursuing her dreams of making a better tomorrow for her children.

While good health is primary to a country’s sustained economic and social development. Ensuring easy access to quality healthcare is also a responsibility of every government. This is where Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana comes in. It is an initiative of the Government of India in the direction of Universal Health Coverage, which has come as a blessing to many homes in Uttarakhand.