‘Kodo ka Kodua’ a tribute to the hills of Jaunsaar


From the charming Jaunsaar belt, young singers Abhinav Chauhan and Sunny Dayal have come out with a Jaunsaari  Youtube foot-tapping video, which, just two days old is already creating  a sensation amongst all age groups. ‘Kodo ka Kodua,’ has beautifully captured the beauty of the Jaunsaar-Bawar belt.

The soulful lyrics composed by Late Ratan Singh Jaunsari Ji and Music by Rajesh Gandarv and Rohit Modak has been Directed by Ansh Studio Haripur. Shot on location in one of Garhwal’s little known, yet most scenic regions of Chani-Churani and Chakrata towns, ‘Kodo ka Kodua,’ is sung by debut singer Abhinav Chauhan who tells us, “I have had no formal training as far as singing is concerned. I enjoy acting and theatre and I brought all my talent to the forefront to make this song and video a hit with people from our region.”

Adding, “the song has been sung and shot on-location to promote the beauty and the culture of the little known Jaunsaar belt, the song recording and videography took less than a week and is a small tribute from our side to the hills we belong to.

At a glance, the six-minute song is a soulful rendition of the flavours, art, culture, dance form, scenic beauty of an area that has managed to retain its rich culture and tradition with a touch of modernity, even today.

While the future of the debut singers depends on the success of Kodo ka Kodua, which has been positive thus far. The complimenting video is a visual treat as it brings alive the hidden natural beauty of a region tucked away in the Aglaar valley.