Large turn out of participants at FTII Film Appreciation Course


Course Directors Subhamoy Sengupta and Bela Negi,  both FTII Alumnus, hold forth on the fourth day of 5-day Film Appreciation course by Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) Pune, in the city of lakes Nainital.

With 6 more joining in as word spread about the Film Appreciation course beginning in Nainital, now 91 participants are attending the Course from 10 States, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh,Rajasthan, Punjab,Kerala,West Bengal,Gujarat, Maharashtra, Delhi and Haryana.

Another Film Appreciation course began on 12th April  in Port Blair,  Andaman and Nicobar Islands with Pankaj Saxena and Munish Bharadwaj as Course Directors.