Shrishti’s ‘Love is in Me for “You” Hits the Stands

    Love is in Me for You

    Love Weaves Through All We do

    Love is beautiful

    To not be

    Is the situation.


    Love can torment

    To not be

    Is an illusion.

    Expresses Shrishti, a new entrant to the world of words, born and bred in Dehradun. Her debut book, ‘Love is in Me for “You” is a collection of poems by the young lady that brings in a refreshing perspective to the realm of poetry and the universal theme of Love.

    Shrishti tells Newspost, “I like poetry because it lets one express what we want to say without saying too much. At times if we leave the poem open-ending, you see ambiguous interpretations floating your way, that could lead to new creativities, that is the beauty of composing poems.”

    Shrishti, the budding author

    About her love for writing, she says, “as a student I dedicated most of my time to finish my Bachelors syllabus, now as I come to end of my Masters the urge to write and publish and make my debut in the field of writing is what motivated me to put pen to papers.”

    The author finds her inspiration from the likes of Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath whose struggles with mental descent was evident in their poetry. The forty-page book revolves around the central theme of love in all its forms, “Love is an emotion, a gift, depending on the person or thing whom you want to dedicate it to. I have also used ‘love’ as a ‘force’ that could lead a person to commit deeds good or bad, perhaps it could also be the source of happiness and sorrow. Love requires the power to understand and live accordingly.”

    As for her future plans, Shrishti shares, “I am planning to write a novel about which I don’t want to give away much. I am also keen at looking for collaboration opportunities in writing or work on a biography.

    Do get your copy of ‘Love is in Me for “You” on Amazon – ISBN- 978-9363306585 OR  E-book on Bookleaf Publications.