Mission Rispana to Rishiparna to be launched on Sunday


Coming Sunday, 2.5 lakh saplings will be planted during the launch of Rispana to Rishiparna Mission. Chief Minister will start the Rispana revival mission from village Kervan.

The plantation programme will be held between 9 am to 11 am. About the preparations for the mission, Chief Secretary Utpal Kumar Singh held a meeting with the concerned departments. He took detailed information about the preparations. Instructions were issued to ensure maximum public participation in the programme. It was informed in the meeting that apart from Kervan village, the main event will be held in Mothrowala.

Here, a Sadbhavana park has to be built. After planting saplings, children will take selfie and will register on the given card, They will deposit the selfie and card will in their school. From where it will be deposited with the district administration. After verification by putting a stamp, the card will be given back to the student by the district administration.

E-certificates will also be given to the students. Chief Secretary Irrigation Anand Bardhan, Secretary Peyjal Arvind Singh Hayanki, DM Dehradun S.A.Murugesan and officers of Eco Task Force, Forest Department and other departments were present in the meeting.