Mussoorie Municipal Board to get its first woman chairperson

    Women campaigning

    Dateline Mussoorie: Two hundred year old hill station Mussoorie is set to create history by electing its first woman Chairperson to take charge of the Mussoorie Municipal Board  founded in 1842.

    Meera Saklani (BJP), Manju Bhandari (Congress) and three independent candidates: Shakuntala Panwar, Nancy Panwar Kaintura and Upma Panwar Gupta are fighting it out for the coveted position reserved for OBC women candidates.

    The election fever has kept Mussoorie rather warm this winter. Women brave the bitter  cold taking out processions as a show of strength to prove their mettle campaigning for their candidates. From late night meetings to handing out pamphlets and brochures, house-to-house campaigning has women across age groups taking part. Many have decided to stay back to vote and campaign for their candidates instead of heading back to their villages during winter break. First time voter Jyoti says, “I was supposed to head home for winter break, but I want to support my candidate and make sure she wins,’ on the other hand we have 70 year old Radha Rani hobbling around on her walking stick seeking vote and support for her candidate, “Its about time we women come out and choose a sensible candidate who can help save of what remains of Mussoorie,’ she says in a huff.

    In Uttarakhand, women have traditionally been the cutting edge of all environmental and social revolution in state, and now women leaders are set to be game changers in politics and about time too.

    Major political parties such as the Bhartiya Janta Party has fielded women ward councillors in 44 out of 100 wards while Congress has fielded 45 women councillors, perhaps to woo those who rule the roost with a 20% rise in women voter percentage since 2004 Lok Sabha elections.

    It would be interesting to witness matrishakti play a decisive role not solely through voting but also in the formation of local bodies when the Uttarakhand goes to poll on 23rd January.