Moscow Calling: Puneet Gandhi to attend Future Team Forum


23 year old Puneet Gandhi from Dehradun has been handpicked post a competitive selection and been invited to participate in the Future Team Forum in Moscow.

The world movement, Future Team Forum is being held in Moscow, on December 2-6th, this year. The forum will unite 15,000 volunteers from more than 100 centuries.

Puneet Gandhi, the founding member of Project Innovation has been working in rural India. He and his dedicated team has been streamlining resources by adopting schools in rural areas and transforming them into “Innovation Schools” with their curriculum at par with the changing world.

Volunteering for the past 6 years with several NGO’s such as People for Animals, pace48(UNESCO) etc. Puneet has participated in several International conferences; been invited as a Speaker at various Universities and International Conferences such as Doon Business School, UIT APAC4U in Malaysia, United Nation Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) UN Youth Advisory Board & UN Major Group of Children and Youth, Global Assembly of Youth for Peace.

Puneet adds, “being an AIESEC Alumni, I have been a part of an education project in Astana, Kazakhistan focusing on decent work and Economic Growth (SDG8).”

An awardee of the Karamveer Chakra, (Bronze category) by ICONGO & REX and UN fellowship and Raja Ram Mohan Roy Award, Puneet has now added another feather to his cap.

Talking about his upcoming Moscow venture, Puneet responds, “It’s a great opportunity to be a part of this forum as India is building such a strong relationship with Russia. It’s a good opportunity to learn and build partnerships so we can create more positive impact in the society on ground level.”

The international community FUTURE TEAM is a meeting place for active and caring young people from all the corners of the planet, who strive to change the world. Puneet’s hard work and dedication leaves us no doubt, that they couldn’t have chosen anyone better!