Read-a-thon, an attempt to inculcate reading habit


On the occasion of International Literacy Day i..e 7th September, a joint Read-a-thon was organized by SCERT, Doon Library and Room to Read in Dehradun.

Ms Pushplata Rawat, State Coordinator Room to Read, welcomed the participants. The event focused on importance of reading and inculcating reading habit in children under which a Reading Campaign which begun on 5th of September will continue until 14th November, covering schools across the state.

A panel discussion on importance of reading was organized. Panelists Ms Seema Jaunsari, Director ART (Academic Research and Training), Dr BK Joshi Director Doon Library, Mr Mukesh Nautiyal and Ms Simmi, Program Manager Room to Read were part of the esteemed panel.

The discussion brought forth the need of making available a variety of books to children easily. Ms Seema Jaunsari made an appeal to all teachers to engage children with books. Dr BK Joshi is working towards establishing a children corner in Doon Library with age appropriate books. Ms Simmi focused on books for all level of readers, there should be book on children who are just entering the schools as well proficient readers. Mukesh Nautiyal laid stress on writing children literature keeping in mind the interest of children.

There were over 200 participants who participated in Read-o-thon wherein everyone read a book and shared their experience of what role books played in their lives. Story session was conducted for children who participated in the event. The event had participation from all age groups.

Room to Read’s Comprehensive Literacy Approach is aimed at helping children become independent readers for life. All those who participated, took a pledge to read a book to a child.