Regional Grand Lodge, Half yearly meeting to be held in Mussoorie


Mussoorie, in all its autumn glory is set to play the perfect hostess at the two day Half-Yearly Meeting of the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India this weekend.

From 22nd to 23rd of September, under a clear blue sky and toasty autumn sun kissing the hill-station’s lush green ranges, over three hundred and fifty Freemasons from hundred and thirty-four Lodges across forty seven locations of Northern India are expected to congregate in the Queen of Hills.  Masons here will renew their pledges to carry forth the tenets of Freemasonry and further the basic objectives of Freemasonry – Brotherly Love, Relief & Truth.

Amongst the oldest and finest Masonic Lodges in the country – Lodge Dalhousie No. 10, Mussoorie, consecrated in the year 1854 and Lodge Siwalik Dr. Durga Prasad No. 62, Dehra Dun Cantt which dates back to 1902, will be facilitating the Half-Yearly Meet in Mussoorie.

Masons of all ranks will meet over the next two days to plan out their future activities, exchange information about various charitable and non-charitable activities carried out by various Lodges of North Zone over the past few months and charter their further course of action.

Freemasonry has served the hill-state of Uttarakhand as and when tragedy struck. Masons here have been leading from the forefront assisting in relief activities wherever and whenever required. Medical teams were sent post the 2013 June, Kedarnath Deluge. The Brotherhood also rebuilt two Inter colleges in Rudraprayag District, one at Ladoli and the other in Nagrasu including other numerous charitable activities in the State.

Freemasonry has been in existence in India for close to 290 years. This world-wide organisation is based on the principle of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man. It seeks to make good men better and thereby make the world a better place to live.

Dear Masons, Mussoorie awaits your arrival!