Uttarakhand Investor Summit to be live-streamed on CM-app

Dehradun, Uttarakhand State Government is leaving no stone unturned to make sure that the residents of the hill-state are upto-date regarding the upcoming 7-8th October, Destination Uttarakhand 2018 Investors Summit.
Along with social media, websites such as destinationuttarakhand.in and investuttarakhand.com  every information regarding the two day Investor summit will now be readily available on the CM-app, which was launched on 17th December 2017.
From marathon conferences, meetings with potential industrialists and investors across umpteen states of India and abroad, numerous road-shows, MOU signing with various companies will now be a click-away for those who want to know more about the upcoming Summit.
The App will also contain detailed information about the twelve core sectors and the investments made in thereof. Programmes held on the 7th and 8th of October will be live-streamed from the CM-App for those who want to keep abreast with the happenings.
The CM-App initially carried informative details regarding the daily programmes of the Chief Minister of the State, Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat. Over time, the user-friendly App has also served as the perfect platform for the common man, who from the interiors of the hill-state have used the App to air their grievances, which have been brought to the Chief Minister’s attention within a short span of time and seen positive results.
Keeping the popularity and the reach of the App in mind, the two day event has now been linked to the App in which the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendar Modi, along with various Union Ministers, Investors, Industrialists from home and abroad are said to come in full-attendance.
For Andriod phone users the app is available on Google Play Store and for those using Apple IOS, they can download the CM-App from App Store.
To download you need to search CM Uttarakhand or Trivendra Singh Rawat and download the App.