Why Not you? Second Wind-BMC

Picture Courtesy: Dr. Sunil Kainthola
Rearing to go

If you are on the other side of 35, but yearn to get out and climb mountains, big or small, but feel that  that wishful boat has already set sail without you. Dont despair, there is good news for you.

Since 2011, Nanda Devi Institute of Adventure Sports and Outdoor Education has been pioneering Mountaineering Courses in Assi Ganga Valley. What makes NDI stand out is the fact that it offers tailor-made certified thirteen day Mountaineering Course for participants between the age group of 35 years and above, including 5 days for height gain endurance exercise in the hills of Uttarakhand.

Camping, Mountaineering
Camping at Nanda Devi Institute

Dr. Sunil Kainthola the man behind the Nanda Devi Institute a.k.a NDI tells us, “35% of the population in India falls within this age bracket. Entitled the Second Wind – Basic Mountaineering Course (SW – BMC) gives the perfect opportunity for people above the age of 35 who nurture the dream of learning the basics of mountaineering. “


The pilot project held in June this year saw 14 participants from 10 year old to 50 pushing their endurance, strength and energy to the limits at the SW-BMC training. Following its success, NDI now offers five batches in successive order for the months of October and November 2019. The minimum/maximum course strength will be between 14 to 21 participants per batch.

Courtesy: Dr. Sunil Kainthola
Participants learn the tricks of rope climbing

Participants who desire to learn skills from instructors, at times younger than them should get a thorough pre-training medical check-up with a physical fitness certificate of  from a registered medical practitioner.

You also get packing advice so that you know exactly what to carry and what to leave behind. The Second Wind BMC is a formal course and requires cooperation from the participants to make it a success. Some rule of the thumb Dos and Donts have been put in place such as restrictions on mobile usage; prior  permission to roam outside the camp, garbage disposal and more to name a few.

Picture Courtesy: Dr. Sunil Kainthola
Rock Climbing at the camp

Aditi Kaur, who recently completed her SW-BMC training and trekked to Kuflon, Dodital and Darwa Pass, is full of praise. “Its a basic mountaineering course. We started with morning Physical Training, followed by Rock Climbing, Rappelling, zip line over thirteen days. The equipment was top of the line, Instructors well trained. The training saw me walk to scenic locales such as Darwa Pass 3800 meters on foot which I never thought I could accomplish.

If you too wish to put on your walking boots and get outdoors to tick that elusive trek off your bucket-list, then apply online at the given link for upcoming courses.https://ndi.edu.in/second-wind-basic-mountaineering-course/