Workshop on Strategies for Effective Clinical Teaching held


The faculty and PG students of Himalayan College of Nursing, Swami Rama Himalayan University, organized a one-day workshop on 28th August.

The objective was to strengthen knowledge of strategies for effective clinical teaching and develop insights into the different clinical teaching – learning methods.

The workshop included different methods of clinical learning and importance of selecting appropriate clinical assignments and activities for effective student learning outcomes.

It helped the participants to understand that designing appropriate activities in appropriate settings allows the student to experience learning in a better way.

There were around 66 participants from various courses including Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing, M.Sc. Nursing and Faculty of Nursing.

A brief introduction of the workshop was given  by Dr. Rajkumari Sylvia Devi, followed first by the scientific session on Choosing Clinical Learning Assignments and outcomes and then a session on Process of Clinical Teaching and 3rd session on Case Method & Case Study.

The inaugural ceremony was graced by the presence of Dr. SanchitaPugazhendi (Chairperson), Principal, Himalayan College of Nursing, and Dr.Kathleen, Nursing Advisor, SRHU.

Dr. Sanchita Pugazhendi, addressed the gathering and shared words of wisdom, motivation,
and experiences. The Chairperson also appreciated the work of the organizers for the successful execution of this workshop.

Various resource persons, on Simulation-Based Demonstration, Self-Directed Learning Activities, Clinical Conference & Discussion, and Nursing Rounds & Reports, Process Recording and Factors Affecting Clinical Teaching, took further scientific sessions.

The program was followed by the valedictory session with the vote of thanks by Himanshu.